Monday, 14 September 2009

A Feeling Of Warmth From In-Laws

Now and again you receive a comment from someone; an unexpected comment that gives you a real feeling of warmth inside. On Sunday evening, I had one of those moments. My in-laws (my 2nd family) organised a barbecue in the evening and I, as part of the family, was invited over.

When I arrived, my wife (should I be calling her my ex-wife yet?) was there with her new guy and with my son. As soon as she saw me, she said "you didn't tell me you were coming this evening", to which I replied "you didn't ask!". She didn't find that amusing and I could tell that she was rather put out that I was there - she didn't say much to me all evening and mostly avoided me. But then the whole situation with her and her family was a bit prickly with her new guy there. I, on the other hand, was having a great time talking to everyone, making everyone laugh and generally just being myself - it was just like normal family times and everyone was enjoying me being there.

Anyway, I'm straying away from the point. this lovely comment that I received was shortly after I arrived, when I was telling my Mother-in-law about the fun I had at the wedding reception. I was telling her all about how the female friend that I took with me managed to spill wine all over the TV presenter's jacket. She turned to me, all excited, and said "a new girlfriend?". To which I replied "no, afraid not, she is quite a bit older than me, we used to work together, and we are just friends". Then came the comment from her - "shame, I'm really looking forward to you bringing a new girlfriend around". That produced an amazing feeling inside me - her showing that she loves and cares for me, and thinks no less of me, even after everything that has happened.

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